OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows Clients to verify the identity of the End-User based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the End-User in an interoperable and REST-like manner.
sequenceDiagram participant u as user participant app as oidc-app participant oidc as oidc-server app ->>+ oidc: 获取oidc配置 Note over app,oidc: .well-known/oepnid-configuration oidc ->> app: 返回oidc配置 app ->>+ oidc: 获取密钥 Note over app,oidc: conf.jwks_uri oidc ->>- app: 返回jwks并缓存 u ->>+ app: 未登录用户请求 app ->>- u: 跳转登录页 u ->>+ oidc: 登录并授权 Note over app,oidc: conf.authorization_endpoint Note over oidc: 生成授权码code oidc ->>- u: 返回授权码code u ->>+ app: 提交授权码code app ->>+ oidc: 申请token Note over app,oidc: conf.token_endpoint Note over oidc: 生成jwt-token oidc ->>- app: 返回jwt-token app ->>- u: 返回服务token,可以直接使用jwk-token u ->>+ app: 带jwt-token请求 Note over app: 解密jwt-token Note over app: 验证权限 app ->>- u: 返回请求结果
其中,用户请求应用,需要把jwt-token放在请求Header中:Authorization: Bearer <jwt-token>